The Austrian REACH Helpdesk provides support concerning the European regulations REACH and CLP. On this website you can find frequently asked questions as well as contact details of the Austrian REACH Helpdesk.

Attention - new telephone number!

The telephone number +43 1 31 00 472 was decomissioned. We are still reachable under the telephone number +43 664 6210336.



Poison Centre Notification

Art. 45: Everything you need to know to submit  a PCN. What is a UFI? Are there transitional periods? Is support material available?


Here you can find FAQs on the Austrian Chemicals Act. and Links to FAQs on the European regulations REACH and CLP directing to the European Chemicals Agency website.


The Austrian REACH helpdesk informs about the Europen regulations REACH and CLP and about the national Chemicals Act. Contact the helpdesk by ...